Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Wine Bus

A sight to behold as you walk to the drugstore...a school bus parked on the sidewalk.
(which by the way, the drugstore is named HAC.  No periods in between.  No meaning behind the letters.  Just HAC.)  I find it quite funny!

What is seemingly a school bus, mind you - a short school bus - but a school bus none-the-less.  As you come to the corner, you wonder what is a school bus doing parked on the main sidewalk, right beside the drugstore.  Right beside a restaurant. Right across from a convenience store. On the same block as KFC & McDonald's.  Right in the main area of the this bustling little town.
Well, with a little more investigation I have found that it is something that Tennessee could use.  Actually this would probably fit very well over in East Nashville!
It is A WINE BUS!!!!!  No kidding.  No jokes.

This bus serves wine out the front and fresh vegetables out the back!
I mean - who wouldn't eat more veggies if you could get a glass of wine to sip while you're perusing the daily selection???  I know I would!

The back door gets opened and the little sun tent put out.  Fresh veggies abound!  This is where the little farmer's market takes place.  The front door (that on a normal school bus allows children to enter) - is the service bar for the wine!  The prices are written on the window and the wine selection is clearly laid out for you to the windshield area!

A glass of wine is usually 300-500 YEN ($3-5 USD).  I have not figured out yet if you can purchase the whole bottle at once.  THAT is another day to be had at the veggie stand!

I have thought this over and someone needs to try this in the States!  It is BRILLIANT.  Think how many vegetables you could sell.  How many more people would eat healthy.  I mean really, the wine has grapes in it...that counts too, right?

I figure the only problem with doing this in the States is that some "group" would have a freak out and say that it is promoting drinking to school kids and that it is 'immoral' - - maybe so.
But The Wine Bus is a good idea!

Kudos Japan!
No wonder everyone on my block is always in a good mood!

Bottoms Up & Cheers~
Dee Dee

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